3347 North San Fernando RoadLos Angeles, CA 90065
What Homenetmen Glendale Ararat Chapter is about
The Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, referred to as Homenetmen, is a non-profit organization founded in 1918. As a strong believer in the strong mind in a strong body concept, Homenetmen provides the Armenian American youth with moral, physical and social education. In addition, it exposes the youth to the wealth of the Armenian culture and heritage, prepared outstanding and law abiding Armenian American Citizens. During its existence, Homenetmen is a worldwide organization with ninety chapters and 25,000 members on five continents. Our chapter is the largest chapter in the United States, with nearly 2,300 members. Homenetmen provides family oriented scouting, athletic, cultural, educational and community-volunteer programs. The Glendale chapter, which was established with only seven volunteer members in 1978, experienced tremendous growth during the 1980’s. The organization has been an integral part of the Glendale community since 1978, providing services to over 10,000 children, young adults, and seniors during the years. The most important part of our organization’s function is provision of healthy and clean programs for teenagers and young adults through organized and supervised after school and weekend activities in a family oriented environment. They are taught volunteerism, community and cultural values, citizenship, teamwork, receive leadership training, and are kept away from the strong negative influences facing our youth including drugs, gangs, and crime.